
27 September 2020

 27th September 2020

from dusk
till dawn
the length
of starlight

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Grace,

Please excuse me reaching out to you via a comment on your website .The Haiku Foundation is inviting poets to serve as guest-editors for the Per Diem: Daily Haiku feature on the THF website've taken up the challenge with the topic of “Horses ” scheduled to appear in November 2020.
So this is a letter of congratulations: I would like to include your lovely poem "winter twilight "pulished in A Hundred Gourds March 2012  ,  to illustrate my theme. I ask your permission to reprint your poem for this purpose.
If you would be so kind to email me at, I would be keen to email more information about this to you.
Kind Regards,
Jennifer Sutherland